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What did you think of our first season? Share your thoughts.

Hello friends,

Now that you’ve had a chance to listen to the first season of the Ursa Short Fiction podcast — and with production now underway on Season Two — we’d love to hear from you! 

Take our listener survey, and tell us your thoughts on the show — what you loved, what you’d like to see more of (or less of), and share a little bit about your own listening and reading habits. 

It takes about five minutes, and we’d be so grateful for your feedback: 

Watch this space.

During the podcast off-season, we’re also going to use this newsletter to keep featuring writers and stories we love, so share it with a friend.

We’re also taking questions for our next AMA episode with Deesha Philyaw and Dawnie Walton, so you can leave us a voicemail, or send your questions to

Thank you again for reading and listening!

-Dawnie & Mark 

Ursa Story Company

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